Thursday, September 13, 2012

I Don't Know Their Story...

So many times we tend to  stereotype people.
By their looks, the way they dress, and their life style. 
We are all guilty from time to time. When we stereotype, it truly affects the way we feel about people. It henders us from being the witness we should be to them. Especially when we have been wronged before, and feel that is our consolation to not trust.
Do you know their story...what they have been through?
I guess if we truly knew what others where going through, we would be more "Compassionate".
I'm not saying everyone should go around telling every little detail of their life. Some would say..."Airing their dirty laundry".
We need to have the compassion for others that God has given us, before even knowing their story.
I'm curious to know how many more souls we could win, if we had more compassion.
How many friends we would have, if we had more compassion.
How our relationship with our family members would be, if we had more compassion.
How our job experience with our boss and co-workers would turn out, if we had more compassion.
Maybe, even a closer walk with God, if we had more compassion.
I pray we have more compassion toward each other and the people in our community we tend to stereotype...
So many times I have judged the gentlemen on the corner begging for food and/or money...but "I Don't Know His Story". I just assumed he was caught up in drugs and alcohol, or just choosing to be lazy and not hold a steady job!
I have judged the young girl dressed promiscuously...but "I Don't Know Her Story". My guess, she loves her lifestyle, and is choosing to be what she is.
I have judged the boy wearing pants down to his knees..but "I Don't Know His Story". Apparently his parents don't care how he acts...he's been such a headache since he was born!
I have judged the teen that had a body full of piercing and tattoos, but "I Don't Know Their Story". Is he or she searching for something to fill the void?
I have judged the very young, single mother of children...but "I Don't Know Her Story". What a dirty little girl!!
I don't know what they have been through and what their present situation may be, but God does and He is Their only Hope!
I have said and heard others say..."Well, they got themselves tangled up in their own web", or "It's their own choice or falt"!
I understand that in life we have all made bad choices, and mistakes, some greater than others.
I will remind you that the Devil is a roaring lion...he preys on the weak, attacks, and destroys lives that have no hope!
I am so glad God had Compassion on me, looked at me and said..."I Still Love You", no matter what! 
He is my only hope.
I know that when we show compassion to others...we are God's example of hope. That's the attitude we should have toward each other.

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